
Taxi in Hakone [2023/promotion code]

How Foreigners Take a Taxi in Hakone

As of 2023, it is difficult to find a taxi in Hakone due to the increase in tourists after the pandemic.

Below, I will introduce how foreigners can take a taxi in Hakone.

Use the app ← the best way

The app is a recommended way to call multiple affiliated taxis at once. There is a possibility that you can call a taxi even in a situation where there are few taxis.

As of 2023, the only taxi app that can be used in Hakone is " GO ".

The app supports English. In addition, the promotion will lower the price.


・ Get a coupon worth 500 yen for a new installation, and a maximum of 6500 yen for entering a code (get from a friend, etc.)

GO Taxi calling app Old MOV x JapanTaxi

GO Taxi calling app Old MOV x JapanTaxi
Developer: GO Co., Ltd.
posted with app reach


Call at the hotel

You can request a taxi to be dispatched by an employee of the hotel where you are staying.


Take a taxi at the taxi stop

If a taxi is waiting at each taxi stand, you can get on the taxi immediately.

For example, some train stations have taxi stops.


Catch a moving taxi

You can catch a moving taxi without passengers.

However, there are very few such taxis in Hakone.


Call the taxi company

It is a method to call each taxi company and call a taxi.

However, many taxi companies cannot speak English over the phone.

In addition, there is a limit to the number of taxis that can be called by one taxi company.


So, I recommend using the English supported app "GO", which can call multiple taxis at once.



初回自動付与クーポン ⇒ 500円

  • 割引額 :500円×1枚
  • 入手方法:「GO」アプリ初回起動で自動付与

初回クーポン   ⇒ 最大6500円


  • 1000円×2枚=合計2000円
  • GO対象の全エリア


  • 乗るたび500円×最大9枚=合計4500円
  • 初回乗車から3か月間、月3枚まで
  • GO対象の全エリア
  • 流し乗車はクーポン付与対象外

友達紹介クーポン   ⇒ 2000円


  • 全エリア:1000円×2枚=合計2000円



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